Storing things in the garage is common. After all, it is a big open space with lots of room on the perimeter.
But the garage also tends to be a welcoming environment for many different varieties of pests.
We’ve all heard the stories of people with mice or rats in their garage. But just because the pest is not that big nor does it do that much damage, doesn’t mean that they are welcome.
One such pests are crickets.
Crickets aren’t known for doing damage, but they can definitely do so.
Crickets can be particularly dangerous to fabric, clothing, furs, and carpeting. So, if you have old clothing in your garage, crickets could become a hazard.

More than anything else, they are a nuisance.
Crickets have a loud “chirping” noise that can be quite the annoyance, especially if there are more than a couple of crickets.
So, what can you do if you notice a cricket infestation in your garage? Here are a few helpful hints.
1 – Reduce the Clutter
Perhaps the top solution for dealing with any pest is to reduce the clutter in that space.
Pests of any kind will look for shelter and they find clutter to be particularly welcoming.
Not only that, those cluttered areas can be a welcoming spot for them to build nests. This is the fastest route to infestation.
If you can, store all of your boxes and other items on tall shelves or ones that are wall mounted. The idea is to keep them off of the floor, away from pests that could be lurking below.
When there are less hiding spots, pests feel less secure and will move on to other areas.
Remove the potential for shelter and pests generally will not stay (unless there is a very obvious food source available).
2 – Clean up Outside the Garage

There can be things outside of the garage that provide an attraction for crickets.
When something attracts them to the area, they can then find gaps in the garage that allow them in. Suddenly, there are crickets taking up residence in the garage.
Make sure to cut back any tall grass or weeds that may be encircling the garage. Crickets use that tall grass as cover and may be attracted to your garage if there is shrubbery surrounding it.
It is also a good idea to remove any piles of firewood or bricks that you may have stored outdoors. Try using a cover or tarp to keep pests from taking shelter.
Whatever you can do to reduce appeal to critters and pests should be done.
3 – Close the Gaps
Critters can’t get into the garage without cracks and holes being present.
The unfortunate thing is that they can be in a lot of different places including windowsills, door frames, along the foundation, and in about a thousand other areas.
If you’re having problems with critters invading your garage, do a thorough inspection. Look for any holes and fill them in.
Just make sure that you use a material that works with the material of that space. So, if you have vinyl windows, you will want a sealant that works with that vinyl.
By closing off all of the entry points, you greatly reduce the odds that any kind of critter – not just crickets – will be able to take up residence in the garage.
Unfortunately, some pests are incredibly flexible and resilient, meaning they will eventually find a way inside come hell or high water.
4 – Use Chemical Sprays
You aren’t the first person in the world to be dealing with a pest problem. The good thing about that is there have been remedies created to help thwart those nasty little buggers.
Chemical insecticides have been created to keep a wide array of bugs from visiting a specific area.
If you’ve been dealing with an infestation of crickets, get an insecticide. The broader the chemical, the more insects that will stay away.
Walk around the perimeter of the garage, spraying the insecticide as you go. Make sure to target the foundation and the ground around the entirety of the structure.
When you have finished, do the same on the inside. Walk the edges of the garage and get into the tougher surfaces.
This will deter the bugs from returning and present them with a nasty surprise if they persist.
You’ll want to buy an insecticide that has either diazinon or chlorpyrifos for the best results.
It could take a few applications to get rid of a current infestation, but after a few times, you should have a durable, invisible wall that keeps the crickets (and other bugs) at bay.
5 – Glue Traps
Perhaps you have seen or heard the crickets chirping away in the garage.
Some people prefer to not use chemicals, making insecticides a non-option. When that is the case, there needs to be a way to properly trap the crickets and get rid of them.
With glue traps, you can place them in the corners of the garage first and foremost as this is the most common entry point for crickets and other small critters.
You should also put the glue traps around any appliances or shelving areas as they will permeate this area, too.
Check on the glue traps semi-frequently. If you have an infestation, it may take more than a few traps to get the job done. Replace them as needed.
6 – Poison Cricket Bait
There are also manufacturers of poisoned cricket bait that can work just as well.
Spread it around the entirety of the garage using a push spreader. If you do it by hand, make sure to wear gloves as these are dangerous chemicals that you’re handling.
It is imperative that you follow manufacturer instructions when using cricket bait. This will let you know if there are any special instructions, such as watering the bait after it has been spread out.
7 – Home Remedies
If you don’t want to introduce any dangerous chemicals into your home and don’t want to deal with the nasty cleanup of traps, there are several that can be implemented.
These can be done using household items and will either kill or deter the crickets from coming back.
This is something of a bait trap for crickets.
Molasses is actually an attractant for the crickets because it has a sweet smell to it. So, how will this get rid of crickets? If you dilute the molasses (only a couple of spoonfuls) in a bowl of water and place it in the affected areas, the crickets will smell it and find themselves drowning in the water.
After you’ve collected a few crickets in your sweet trap, simply dump them out and do it again.
Water and Soap
This is actually a natural pesticide that is deadly not only for crickets, but plenty of other pests that could cause trouble in your home or garage.
Start by filling up a spray bottle with soap and water so that you can bring it out in a pinch.
The only downside here is that you actually have to spray the mixture on the crickets, so it may take some time to find them or wait them out.
When sprayed with the soap and water, the outer layer of the crickets will break down and they will ultimately die.
If you have an infestation, this can be a particularly useful solution. Make sure to keep spraying on them when you see them as only a little bit of the mixture will damage them but may not fully kill them.
Diatomaceous Earth

One of the most effective solutions for getting rid of critters of a wide variety, diatomaceous earth is great because it won’t damage any plants in the area.
Crickets can also do quite a bit of damage to gardens, making diatomaceous earth an effective solution there as well.
Also completely harmless for pets, as long as you’re careful to not let it kick up into the air being breathed in.
You can use it freely both indoors and out. Just make sure that the areas that you spray aren’t wet.
The diatomaceous earth will dehydrate the crickets, eventually killing them. You can get diatomaceous earth from any gardening store or even amazon for a relatively low cost.
Vacuum to Pull Out the Eggs
Finding crickets is enough of a hassle. But what do you do when there is a full-blown infestation complete with eggs?
This is where a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter vacuum cleaner can come in handy.
Use it along wall voids, carpeting, baseboards and any other dark and hidden corners of the house and garage. This should pull up any eggs that have been laid.
When you’re finished vacuuming, simply transfer the contents into a sealed plastic bag to prevent the spread of the eggs.
As you can see, there are several effective ways to get rid of crickets. Each offers its own set of challenges, but they are all effective at removing those pests.
Be persistent, make sure to search all of the tough areas, and you will be rid of your cricket problem in no time.
I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems and over 10 years of experience working in IT. As a homeowner, I love working on projects around the house, and as a father, I love investigating various ways to keep my family safe (whether or not this involves tech). I’ve also played guitar for almost 20 years and love writing music, although it’s hard to find the time these days.