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Can a Pergola Be Built on Grass? (Why You Might Want To)

Can a Pergola Be Built on Grass? (Why You Might Want To)

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You did it. Your backyard is close to what you imagined. The sod grass has matured so finely. All you need now is a place to chill while admiring your hard work. The garden is all set, but you might need a bit of shade. What’s better than adding your very own pergola?

A pergola is possibly the best addition to your backyard if you want to add an archway-like structure while adding a touch of flair right on your grass bed. With that in mind, can a pergola be built on grass?

This is just one of the pergola-related questions we’ll be able to answer for you today.

Is a Pergola Just a Patio?

A pergola is different from your run-of-the-mill patio. A patio can be called an extension of your house, like an outdoor room without a roof.

On the other hand, a pergola is a structure you add to your gardens and backyards, using a couple of rafters over four posts.

What Style of Pergola Can I Get?

The style of the pergola will revolve around where you’ll need it and what works better for you.

Pergolas can be classified under three main styles: the attached pergola, the freestanding pergola, and the hybrid pergola.

Attached Pergola

An attached pergola is just like what the name suggests. One of the sides of this pergola is attached to a wall for support. The pergola uses this method as an anchor of sorts. It means that an attached pergola uses fewer columns than the other styles.

Freestanding Pergola

A freestanding pergola should have four or more posts. It’s called freestanding because this version of a pergola isn’t attached to the side of your house or another building. This pergola has to stand on its pillars.

Hybrid Pergola

As you might’ve guessed, this pergola is a hybrid of the two other styles, which is attached and freestanding. A hybrid pergola uses features from each to fit in the corner of your home.

One of the four columns of a freestanding pergola is replaced by attaching that part to the outer wall of the house. In this way, you form a hybrid pergola.

Can a Pergola Be Built on Grass?

Yes, you can. It’s not the most popular option, but that’s such a shame. It’s a fantastic way to add solid construction right in the middle of a vast green space. You can make it your personal harbor in the middle of a dry spell. With comfy lawn chairs, it’ll be spectacular.

The style of pergola you’ll need for your grass bed is freestanding. There’s a need to dig up deep holes in the ground to put footings because there isn’t anything stable enough for the pergola to anchor.

Can a Pergola Be Installed on Pavers?

Yes, you can put a pergola over your pavers or brick patio. A pergola built like this will add finesse to a plain brick walkway.

Much like building a pergola on grass, a freestanding pergola is the style you need for brick ways. The pavers aren’t in the ground. These bricks are weak anchors, because they’re stuck on top of the grass. It’s far safer to drill in footings as well.

Can a Pergola Be Built on a Concrete Patio?

Yes, you most certainly can. Ideally speaking, a concrete patio is perfect for a pergola because of how stable the porch is already. There’s no need to add any additional footing for extra stability. You just need to anchor a pergola to an outer wall.

Since it’s a concrete patio, the pergola will have to be either an attached or a hybrid one. If it’s in a cramped space that’s closer to a corner, then it’s a hybrid for sure.

Can a Pergola Give You Shade When the Sun’s Out?

Despite how they look, pergolas are quite handy when it comes to shielding you from direct sunlight.

When placed at the right angle and with the right size rafters, a pergola can easily refuge you from the sun. Along with this, it can simultaneously keep you cool with the summer breeze flowing through its beams.

What’s the Ideal Height of a Pergola?

On average, the height of the pergola ranges from 8 to 12 feet. The size you’ll end up using will depend on how long of a head clearance you need.

For instance, maybe you want 7 feet of space. The beams will then be 8 feet. With the rafters, it’ll add up to a total of 9 to 10 feet, give or take.

Is Getting a Pergola Expensive?

On the contrary, a pergola is one of the more inexpensive options for your outdoor needs compared to your gazebo or pavilion.

It requires only the basics, and you can install it yourself. There are pergola kits available for your convenience as well.

Why Get a Pergola of Your Own?

Apart from a pergola being great for your budget, there are other things that make the pergola a quality addition to your property:

Perfect for Your Garden

Humans aren’t the only ones that can benefit from a well-structured pergola. A construction like this is great for your gardens as well. Vines and hanging plants in particular would love a pergola for the support and source of sunshine.

In addition, imagine how good the pergola will look with all that natural foliage peeping through the slates.

Low-Maintenance Upkeep

You can make a pergola out of many other materials apart from wood:

  • PVC
  • Vinyl
  • Concrete
  • Aluminum
  • Fiberglass

Pergolas made especially from vinyl and aluminum (even fiberglass) are less susceptible to the elements. They can withstand a lot. You don’t need to worry about anything that could rot or rust them. You only need the occasional cleaning to keep them spic and span.

Final Thoughts

Can a pergola be built on grass? Yes, you can build your pergola in the green.

Attached, freestanding and hybrid pergolas are the main styles you can easily find. For your garden, it’s recommended to use a freestanding pergola for stability and safety. If you want, install a pergola on a concrete patio or pavers.

A pergola is a great way to add more room outside of your house when you want something inexpensive and low maintenance. Consider one in your garden for your and your family’s benefit, and your plants’ as well.

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