Some people buy really nice mailboxes for their homes. Others buy simple mailboxes that don’t cost a lot of money. If you have an ornate mailbox that you’re really fond of, you might want to take it with you when you move. Is it okay to do this? Can you move a mailbox? Is it …
Your mailbox is something that you want to stay in good shape. It’s important for the mail that you receive to be protected. If the mailbox isn’t in good shape, it will be easier for the mail to get wet. Also, you don’t want people to be able to see inside the mailbox since you …
Having a mailbox that’s located near the road is pretty common in certain areas. This is usually going to be where mailboxes are located in rural areas. Sometimes you might have issues with the mailbox being bothered by animals. For instance, dogs might pee on the mailbox. You can try to deter dogs by planting …
Mailboxes get hit by cars regularly. Their proximity to the curb makes them prime targets for learner drivers, lawn services, snow plows, or even visitors backing out of yards after dark. Since there is a considerable size difference, mailboxes usually come off second best in these encounters. If your mailbox gets hit by a car, …
Not too long ago, I came outside to get my mail and found that my mailbox had been involved in a car accident. I was utterly confused because I found a piece of broken headlight next to my mailbox and knew someone had driven into it, breaking the post in half. I needed to replace …
I was recently driving through my neighborhood, and I noticed something that caught my attention. I saw that many mailboxes in the area were being vandalized, and I was wondering to myself, Why would someone be doing this, and how could I catch mailbox vandalism in action? I started doing research and will be sharing …
Mail often contains items that contain personal information that could be problematic if it got into the wrong hands. It can be a concern for many homeowners as there is often a considerable delay between the time mail gets delivered until it gets collected from the mailbox. Mailboxes and the mail inside are protected under …
I went to get my mail the other day after a week away, and I was shocked to find a colony of ants had taken over my mailbox. I couldn’t believe that they had moved in and built a nest in the few days I was away. I didn’t have an idea how to remove …
Red mailbox flags are everywhere, so it is natural to assume that it is a color stipulation. Red is the traditional color for the carrier flag, and this trend continues. Mailbox flags do not have to be red, but they must be a contrasting color to the mailbox. While they need not specifically be red, …
Let’s face it, mailboxes go through a lot. They stand stoically outside our homes in the rain, snow, and blistering heat. These functional items add to the overall street appeal of your home, so keeping your mailbox in mint condition is important, and with some creativity and upkeep, it can be a showpiece item that …