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Candles are used on many different occasions, from birthdays to romantic evenings, to bubble baths, so you are bound to have some leftover candle wax in your home. This wax can begin to build up, and you might be wondering what to do with it other than throwing it away. So, can you recycle candles? …

Read More about Can You Recycle Candles? (The Wax and Glass Jars)

So many people are starting to take the threat of climate change seriously now. As the world is starting to see the impact of climate change on a regular basis, people are trying to think about what they can do to make a difference. Even small actions such as choosing to recycle plastic products can …

Read More about Can You Recycle Balloons? (And What to Do with Them When You Can’t)

While there’s plenty of controversy surrounding whether or not eggs are healthy, there’s no denying that there are a multitude of ways to eat them, either on their own or as part of a meal. In a typical week, we go through about a dozen eggs, but from time to time, we’ll easily go through …

Read More about Are Egg Cartons Recyclable? (Plus 8 Clever Uses for Them)

Not too long ago, we decided to sign up for curbside recycling at our home. We were already taking our recyclables to the local recycling center, but we thought the added convenience justified the cost. In the past, we never recycled wood. But with the new curbside service, and with living on two acres with …

Read More about Can You Put Wood in the Recycle Bin? (Plus 7 Alternatives)